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Tutorial HTML  :  Liste complète des codes ( caractères ) de la norme ISO-8859-1 ( Latin-1 - Ouest / Europe de l'ouest )
avec description, hexadécimal, décimal, forme codée, ...

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ISO 8859-1 Character Set ( Latin - 1) - Western / West European

Hex. Num. Equivalent Browser character Char. Entity Reference Description
00-1F 00-31
20   Space
21 ! ! Exclamation mark
22 " " " Double quote
23 # # Hash; 'pound sign'
24 $ $ Dollar sign
25 % % Percent sign
26 & & & Ampersand
27 ' ' Apostrophe
28 ( ( Open bracket
29 ) ) Close bracket
2A * * Asterix
2B + + Plus sign
2C , , Comma
2D - - Minus sign
2E . . Fullstop; period
2F / / Slash; forward slash
30 0 0
31 1 1
32 2 2
33 3 3
34 4 4
35 5 5
36 6 6
37 7 7
38 8 8
39 9 9
3A : : Colon
3B &#59; ; Semi-colon
3C &#60; < &lt; Less-than sign
3D &#61; = Equals
3E &#62; > &gt; Greater-than sign
3F &#63; ? Question mark
40 &#64; @ At sign; commercial at
41 &#65; A
42 &#66; B
43 &#67; C
44 &#68; D
45 &#69; E
46 &#70; F
47 &#71; G
48 &#72; H
49 &#73; I
4A &#74; J
4B &#75; K
4C &#76; L
4D &#77; M
4E &#78; N
4F &#79; O
50 &#80; P
51 &#81; Q
52 &#82; R
53 &#83; S
54 &#84; T
55 &#85; U
56 &#86; V
57 &#87; W
58 &#88; X
59 &#89; Y
5A &#90; Z
5B &#91; [ Open square bracket
5C &#92; \ Backslash
5D &#93; ] Close square bracket
5E &#94; ^ Caret
5F &#95; _ Underscore
60 &#96; ` Grave accent
61 &#97; a
62 &#98; b
63 &#99; c
64 &#100; d
65 &#101; e
66 &#102; f
67 &#103; g
68 &#104; h
69 &#105; i
6A &#106; j
6B &#107; k
6C &#108; l
6D &#109; m
6E &#110; n
6F &#111; o
70 &#112; p
71 &#113; q
72 &#114; r
73 &#115; s
74 &#116; t
75 &#117; u
76 &#118; v
77 &#119; w
78 &#120; x
79 &#121; y
7A &#122; z
7B &#123; { Left brace; left curly bracket
7C &#124; | Vertical bar
7D &#125; } Right brace; right curly bracket
7E &#126; ~ Tilde
7F-9F 127-159
A0 &#160;   &nbsp; Non-breaking space
A1 &#161; ᅵ &iexcl; Inverted exclamation mark
A2 &#162; ᅵ &cent; Cent sign
A3 &#163; ᅵ &pound; Pound sign
A4 &#164; ᅵ &curren; Currency sign
A5 &#165; ᅵ &yen; Yen sign; yuan sign
A6 &#166; ᅵ &brvbar; Broken bar; broken vertical bar
A7 &#167; ᅵ &sect; Section sign
A8 &#168; ᅵ &uml; Diaeresis; spacing diaeresis
A9 &#169; ᅵ &copy; Copyright sign
AA &#170; ᅵ &ordf; Feminine ordinal indicator
AB &#171; ᅵ &laquo; Left-pointing double angle quotation mark; left pointing guillemet
AC &#172; ᅵ &not; Not sign
AD &#173; ᅵ &shy; Soft hyphen; discretionary hyphen
AE &#174; ᅵ &reg; Registered sign; registered trade mark sign
AF &#175; ᅵ &macr; Macron; spacing macron; overline; APL overbar
B0 &#176; ᅵ &deg; Degree sign
B1 &#177; ᅵ &plusmn; Plus-minus sign; plus-or-minus sign
B2 &#178; ᅵ &sup2; Superscript two; superscript digit two; squared
B3 &#179; ᅵ &sup3; Superscript three; superscript digit three; cubed
B4 &#180; ᅵ &acute; Acute accent; spacing acute
B5 &#181; ᅵ &micro; Micro sign
B6 &#182; ᅵ &para; Pilcrow sign; paragraph sign
B7 &#183; ᅵ &middot; Middle dot; Georgian comma; Greek middle dot
B8 &#184; ᅵ &cedil; Cedilla; spacing cedilla
B9 &#185; ᅵ &sup1; Superscript one; superscript digit one
BA &#186; ᅵ &ordm; Masculine ordinal indicator
BB &#187; ᅵ &raquo; Right-pointing double angle quotation mark; right pointing guillemet
BC &#188; ᅵ &frac14; Vulgar fraction one quarter; fraction one quarter
BD &#189; ᅵ &frac12; Vulgar fraction one half; fraction one half
BE &#190; ᅵ &frac34; Vulgar fraction three quarters; fraction 3 quarters
BF &#191; ᅵ &iquest; Inverted question mark; turned question mark
C0 &#192; ᅵ &Agrave; Latin capital letter A with grave; Latin capital letter A grave
C1 &#193; ᅵ &Aacute; Latin capital letter A with acute
C2 &#194; ᅵ &Acirc; Latin capital letter A with circumflex
C3 &#195; ᅵ &Atilde; Latin capital letter A with tilde
C4 &#196; ᅵ &Auml; Latin capital letter A with diaeresis
C5 &#197; ᅵ &Aring; Latin capital letter A with ring above; Latin capital letter A ring
C6 &#198; ᅵ &AElig; Latin capital letter AE; Latin capital ligature AE
C7 &#199; ᅵ &Ccedil; Latin capital letter C with cedilla
C8 &#200; ᅵ &Egrave; Latin capital letter E with grave
C9 &#201; ᅵ &Eacute; Latin capital letter E with acute
CA &#202; ᅵ &Ecirc; Latin capital letter E with circumflex
CB &#203; ᅵ &Euml; Latin capital letter E with diaeresis
CC &#204; ᅵ &Igrave; Latin capital letter I with grave
CD &#205; ᅵ &Iacute; Latin capital letter I with acute
CE &#206; ᅵ &Icirc; Latin capital letter I with circumflex
CF &#207; ᅵ &Iuml; Latin capital letter I with diaeresis
D0 &#208; ᅵ &ETH; Latin capital letter ETH
D1 &#209; ᅵ &Ntilde; Latin capital letter N with tilde
D2 &#210; ᅵ &Ograve; Latin capital letter O with grave
D3 &#211; ᅵ &Oacute; Latin capital letter O with acute
D4 &#212; ᅵ &Ocirc; Latin capital letter O with circumflex
D5 &#213; ᅵ &Otilde; Latin capital letter O with tilde
D6 &#214; ᅵ &Ouml; Latin capital letter O with diaeresis
D7 &#215; ᅵ &times; Multiplication sign
D8 &#216; ᅵ &Oslash; Latin capital letter O with stroke; Latin capital letter O slash
D9 &#217; ᅵ &Ugrave; Latin capital letter U with grave
DA &#218; ᅵ &Uacute; Latin capital letter U with acute
DB &#219; ᅵ &Ucirc; Latin capital letter U with circumflex
DC &#220; ᅵ &Uuml; Latin capital letter U with diaeresis
DD &#221; ᅵ &Yacute; Latin capital letter Y with acute
DE &#222; ᅵ &THORN; Latin capital letter THORN
DF &#223; ᅵ &szlig; Latin small letter sharp s; ess-zed
E0 &#224; à &agrave; Latin small letter a with grave; Latin small letter a grave
E1 &#225; ᅵ &aacute; Latin small letter a with acute
E2 &#226; ᅵ &acirc; Latin small letter a with circumflex
E3 &#227; ᅵ &atilde; Latin small letter a with tilde
E4 &#228; ᅵ &auml; Latin small letter a with diaeresis
E5 &#229; ᅵ &aring; Latin small letter a with ring above; Latin small letter a ring
E6 &#230; ᅵ &aelig; Latin small letter ae; Latin small ligature ae
E7 &#231; ç &ccedil; Latin small letter c with cedilla
E8 &#232; è &egrave; Latin small letter e with grave
E9 &#233; é &eacute; Latin small letter e with acute
EA &#234; ᅵ &ecirc; Latin small letter e with circumflex
EB &#235; ᅵ &euml; Latin small letter e with diaeresis
EC &#236; ᅵ &igrave; Latin small letter i with grave
ED &#237; ᅵ &iacute; Latin small letter i with acute
EE &#238; î &icirc; Latin small letter i with circumflex
EF &#239; î &iuml; Latin small letter i with diaeresis
F0 &#240; ᅵ &eth; Latin small letter eth
F1 &#241; ᅵ &ntilde; Latin small letter n with tilde
F2 &#242; ᅵ &ograve; Latin small letter o with grave
F3 &#243; ᅵ &oacute; Latin small letter o with acute
F4 &#244; ô &ocirc; Latin small letter o with circumflex
F5 &#245; ᅵ &otilde; Latin small letter o with tilde
F6 &#246; ᅵ &ouml; Latin small letter o with diaeresis
F7 &#247; ᅵ &divide; Division sign
F8 &#248; ᅵ &oslash; Latin small letter o with stroke; Latin small letter o slash
F9 &#249; ᅵ &ugrave; Latin small letter u with grave
FA &#250; ᅵ &uacute; Latin small letter u with acute
FB &#251; û &ucirc; Latin small letter u with circumflex
FC &#252; ᅵ &uuml; Latin small letter u with diaeresis
FD &#253; ᅵ &yacute; Latin small letter y with acute
FE &#254; ᅵ &thorn; Latin small letter thorn
FF &#255; ᅵ &yuml; Latin small letter y with diaeresis